

The Return and Transformation of Geopolitics

As the Cold War Order passes away, the table is cleared for new political and security alignments.  What are the most likely new alignments, what are most dangerous to the West, and what are the threats ahead?  What strategies will be mounted to address them successfully? And will the West survive?

▸Date: 2022, February 21. 9:30-19:30

▸Venue: Aranybástya Restaurant, Lónyay-Hatvany villa 1015 Budapest, Csónak str. 1.
/Please exit the vehicle at the stairs between the Lónyai-Hatvany villa and the Karmelita Kolostor head down then to the left, entering the villa at the Aranybástya Restaurant entrance./

Language: English

Participation in the event is free, but registration is required.


Events Schedule:

09.00: Registration
09.30: Welcome and introduction
John O'Sullivan, President of the Danube Institute
Dr. Gáspár Maróth, Commissioner for Defence, Ministry of Defence
9.40: Keynote Speech: "The Return of Geopolitics or The Revenge of History"
Speaker: The Honorable Tony Abbott, former Prime Minister of Australia
10.10 - 11.45: "The Return of Geopolitics: The Euro-Atlantic World"
▸Introduced by István Kiss, Executive Director of Danube Institute
Speaker: Dr. James Carafano, Vice President, Heritage Foundation, U. S.
-H.E. Dr. Réka Szemerkényi, Senior Advisor, Transatlantic Strategy, IRI, HU/US
-Charles Crawford, CMG, Former Ambassador to Poland, Sarajevo and Belgrade, U.K.
-H.E. dr. Péter Sztáray, Secretary of State for Security Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, HU
-Tomasz Grzywaczewski, Author and Fellow of the Warsaw Institute, PL
11.45- 12.05: "From Security Consumption to Security Provision: A Central European Choice”
▸Speaker: Dr. Gergely Németh, Deputy Secretary of State for Defence Policy, Ministry of Defence, HU
12.05- 13.15: "One Hundred Years of Hungarian - American Cooperation”
▸Introduced by H. E. Tamás Magyarics, American Expert, Former Diplomat, Editor in Chief the Hungarian Review and the Hungarian Conservative
▸Speaker: István Szabó, Secretary of State for Defence Policy, Ministry of Defence, HU
-Professor Jeffrey Kaplan, Distinguished Fellow, Danube Institute
-István Kiss, Executive Director of Danube Institute
-H. E. Tamás Magyarics, American Expert, Former Diplomat, Editor in Chief the Hungarian Review and the Hungarian Conservative
-H.E. Dr. Réka Szemerkényi, Former Hungarian Ambassador to the U.S., Senior Advisor, Transatlantic Strategy, IRI, HU/US
14.00-15:30: "The Return of Geopolitics: Eurasia"
▸Introduced by Professor Jeffrey Kaplan, Distinguished Fellow at Danube Institute
▸Speaker: Professor Madhav Nalapat, Director, School of Geopolitics, UNESCO Peace Chair Manipal Academy of Higher Education; Editorial Director, iTV Network, India Virtual*
-Michael Doran (Middle East), Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, U. S.
-H. E. Dr. János Hóvári (Turkic Nations), Hungarian historian, Turkologist, diplomat; Hungary's Ambassador to Israel, Kuwait, and Turkey, Deputy State Secretary for Global Affairs
-The Honorable Tony Abbott (Australia), Former Prime Minister of Australia
-Dr. Gergely Salát (China), Senior Research Fellow Institute of Foreign Affairs and Trade, HU
16.00 - 17.20: "New Transnational Realities"
▸Introduced by Dr Calum Nicholson, Fellow of Danube Institute
▸Speaker: Prof. David Martin-Jones, Visiting Professor, War Studies Department, King's College, University of London, U. K.
-Michael Anton, Hillsdale Kirby Center of Government, Lecturer and Research Fellow, Graduate School of Government, U. S. Virtual*
-Dr. Jeremy Carl, (globalism/legalism), Senior Fellow, Claremont Institute, U. S.
-Timothy M. Egan, (energy), President and CEO, Canadian Gas Association (CGA)
- Prof. Jeffrey Kaplan, Distinguished Fellow Danube Institute, Terrorism, and National Security Expert
-Dr. David L. Dusenbury, Author, Fellow of Danube Institute
-Alex Kaschuta, (culture) writer, culture critic & podcast host, RO
17.30 - 18.00 Concluding Address: "Strategic Choices for Central Europe - Is Central Europe emerging as a new security bloc? What strategic choices does it have?"
▸Introduced by: Anton Bendarzsevszkij, Director of Research, Danube Institute
▸Speaker: George Friedman, Geopolitical Futures Founder, Virtual*
18.00 - 18.20: Response and Summing Up
▸Speaker: Zsolt Németh, Chair to Foreign Affairs Committee/Head of H.U. delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly to the Council of Europe

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that due to regulation 633/2021. (XI. 18.), the use of a mouth mask covering the nose is mandatory during the event.

Participation in the event is free, but registration is required, which can be done by clicking on the R.S.V.P. button:
