In 1952, Leo Strauss delivered a series of three lectures at Hillel House at the University of Chicago titled “Progress or Return? The Contemporary Crisis in Western Civilization.” The lectures present a remarkable and revealing overview of the two fundamental dispositions of human beings and the two elements of the West, Athens, and Jerusalem that most intelligently represent those dispositions. They also indicate how modern thought, especially through the advances of technology and the hopes for enlightenment that go together with modern science, brought about a dramatic shift from the disposition of “Return” to the disposition of Progress”, why and how that shift has become so questionable, and why a “return” to the thought of the pre-modern West by any thoughtful person must be to one or the other of its two ancient, high, antagonistic roots.
The Danube Institute is pleased to invite you to join our speakers as they discuss The Contemporary Crisis in Western Civilization and the questions that it raises.
-Timothy Burns, Professor, Baylor University
-András Lánczi PhD, Director of the European Center for Political Philosophy, MCC
MODERATOR: Ádám Darabos PhD, Senior Research Fellow, Danube Institute
Language: English
Date: Tuesday, July 2, 2024, 5.30 PM
Venue: Lónyay-Hatvany Villa - 1. Csónak str., 1015 Budapest
(Entrance: Aranybástya Restaurant)
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