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National Review Institute has been spreading Bill Buckley’s message since 1991, and its antecedents go back decades further.

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Only hours after you read this, the Tories will have decided whether or not to ditch Theresa May as Tory leader and thus as prime minister.

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On arriving for the first time in decades on Spanish soil I realise that the last time I visited – as a child – General Franco was still in power. The memory of arriving at Spain’s border with F...

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In August 2011 the Australian American Leadership Dialogue talkfest convened in Perth and one of its sessions was a panel discussion on China’s regional ambitions. Malcolm Turnbull, then the Opposit...

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Francis himself is accused of participating in the cover-up of abuse by priests.

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One of the things I used to look forward to on London visits was the theatre; but too often now the experience feels like subsidising an experiment in diversity engineering.