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What with the brutal suppression of student riots in Hong Kong, the beatings and imprisonment of anti-Mullah demonstrators in Iran, Iraq, and Lebanon, the imprisonment and execution of Christian conve...

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The Tories have run a solid campaign so far, while Labour has stumbled.

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In two recent visits to England, the ostensibly Conservative government has allowed the Extinction Rebellion extremists to shut down central London. The last time, in April, the police signaled how co...

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If only the voters of Warringah had been Hungarian. The land of goulash and paprika, whose people famously enter a revolving door behind you to emerge in front, greatly admires Tony Abbott for showing...

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Yesterday’s 80th anniversary of the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, the curtain-raiser for Hitler’s invasion of Poland a week later, is a milestone Vladimir Putin would prefer that the wor...