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If there is an Englishman more hated by the European establishment than Boris Johnson, it’s Nigel Farage. So who would have thought Brussels would scrupulously follow the Farage EU leadership recrui...

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It’s a virtual bloodbath for the Remainers.

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In 1985 in New York I was asked, well told really, “Why don’t you go back where you came from?” by the distinguished historian and chronicler of the Kennedys, Arthur Schlesinger Jr.

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The question looms large over the future of the Tory party, British politics, and Brexit.

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How is it that the likeable Boris Johnson has become such a hate-figure? The British Left of course reserves a special fury for Tories who went to Eton and Oxford; it caricatures him, on flimsy eviden...

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Why should we care about the European Union’s elections? The most famous thing about the European parliament is its epic extravagance.