

Attacks on Christian Communities and Institutions Preliminary Conference

Date: 28 March 2022 Venue: Lónyay-Hatvany Villa- 1. Csónak str., 1015 Budapest (Entrance: Aranybástya - The Golden Bastion Restaurant)

The Preliminary Conference to be held on 28 March 2022 is designed to be a precursor to the Attacks on Christian Communities and Institutions major conference to be held in June 2022. The Preliminary Conference will be composed of two panels that will offer presentations on the Danube Institute Research Project and cover the Middle Eastern and South-Asian situation in connection with violence against Christian communities. The second panel's focus will be Africa. On both panels, Danube Institute and Migration Institute researchers will describe the fieldwork-based project in eight countries around the world as well as describing the issues in each country to be researched. The conference will feature two keynote speakers from the United States, one foreign participant from Poland, two speakers from Hungary, and nine speakers from the Danube and Migration Institute.



09.00 Welcoming speech

  • István Kiss, Executive director of Danube Institute

09.30-10.30 Keynote Speakers

  • David Curry, President and CEO of Open Doors USA
  • Janine di Giovanni, Multi-Award-Winning Journalist and Author, a Senior Fellow and Professor at Yale University's Jackson Institute for Global Affairs


10.30-10.45 - BREAK

10.45-12.30 Panel 1- Danube Institute Research Project/Middle East - South Asia

  • Chair: Jeffrey Kaplan, Distinguished Fellow at Danube Institute
  • Tamás Orbán, Research Fellow at Danube Institute - Iraqi Kurdistan
  • Sáron Sugár, Research Fellow at Danube Institute - Egypt
  • Lidia Papp, Research Fellow at Danube Institute - Syria
  • Dávid Nagy, Research Fellow at Danube Institute - Pakistan
  • Tomah Ejbara, Regional Project Manager (Middle East) for Hungary Helps - via Zoom - Jordan


12.30-13.30 - LUNCH

13.30-15.00 Panel 2: EU - Africa

  • Viktor Marsai, Research Director of Migration Research Institute - Overall Project
  • Fanni Korpics, Research Fellow at Danube Institute - France
  • Zsófia Tóth-Bíró, Research Fellow at Danube Institute - Sudan
  • Klaudia Tóth, Research Fellow at Migration Institute - Nigeria
  • Marek Sobisz, Opoka - Poland
  • Attila Gulyás, Retired Military Counterintelligence Officer - Dark web

15.00-15.30 Break

15.30-16.30 International Organizations

  • Father Rifat Bader, Albouna.org Amman - via Zoom
  • Prof. Elmustafa Rezrazi, OMEV Morocco - via Zoom


16.30-16.45 Concluding Remarks

  • Prof. Jeffrey Kaplan, Distinguished Fellow at Danube Institute


További eseményeinkről készült felvételek

2014. Május 16.
2018. Január 1.
2014. Január 9.
2014. Január 19.
2016. Március 4.