

John Fonte Sovereignty or Submission: Will Americans Rule Themselves or be Ruled by Others? könyvbemutató

Date: 26 May 2022 Venue: MCC Scruton - Tas vezér u. 3-7., Budapest 1113
The International Criminal Court claims authority over Americans for actions that the United States does not define as “crimes.” In short, the Twenty-First Century is witnessing an epic struggle between the forces of global governance and American constitutional democracy. Transnational progressives and transnational pragmatists in the UN, EU, post-modern states of Europe, NGOs, corporations, prominent foundations, and most importantly, America’s leading elites, seek to establish “global governance.” Further, they understand that in order to achieve global governance, American sovereignty must be subordinated to the “global rule of law.” The U.S. Constitution must incorporate “evolving norms of international law.” Sovereignty or Submission examines this process with crystalline clarity and alerts the American public to the danger ahead.
One of John Fonte’s most famous books, the Sovereignty or Submission: Will Americans Rule Themselves or be Ruled by Others? examines this process and alerts the American public to the danger they face. The book will be published in Hungarian by MCC Press.
Opening speech: Zoltán Szalai
Participants of the panel discussion after the presentation of the book:
• John Fonte, Program Director at the Hudson Institute, the author of the book,
• István Kiss, Executive Director of the Danube Institute,
• Kálmán Pócza, Head of the Center for Constitutional Politics (tbc),
• Gladden J. Pappin, MCC Visiting Fellow (tbc),
• The conversation will be moderated by: Stephen Sholl, MCC Visiting Fellow.
The event is co-organized by the Danube Institute and the MCC. The language of the event is English with simultaneous interpretation.
Date: May 26, 2022 (Thursday) - 6PM
Venue: Scruton MCC - Tas vezér u. 3-7., Budapest 1113


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