

New Conservatism for Old

Date: 17 October, 2022 5.30 p.m. Venue: Gallery, Lónyay-Hatvany Villa- 1. Csónak str., 1015 Budapest

What is the definition of conservatism?  Where do our liberties come from?  The conventional answer in America is that they come from John Locke, enshrined in our Revolution.  However another answer is that they come from a separate national conservative English tradition. Dr. Ofir Haivry will be representing the latter and Professor Ferenc Hörcher together with Rod Dreher will share their own thoughts about it.


Dr. Ofir Haivry is the Vice-President of the Herzl Institute of Jerusalem and a co-founder of the Edmund Burke foundation of Washington DC. He has a PhD from University College of London. His fields of research are the history of political thought, and especially the Anglo-American tradition as well as Jewish political thought. He has published his book "John Selden and the Western Political Tradition" (Cambridge University Press), as well as chapters in academic books and numerous essays in journals and Magazines, in the US, Israel, UK, Italy France and Hungary. Dr. Haivry is currently a Visiting Fellow at the Danube Institute, researching traditions of European conservatism. 

Ferenc Hörcher is a political philosopher, historian of political thought and philosopher of art. He studied in Budapest (Hungary), Oxford (UK) and Brussels/Leuven (Belgium). He is director of the Research Institute of Politics and Government and senior researcher at the Institute of Philosophy of the Hungarian Academy of Science. He was a visiting professor at the Jagiellonian University, Kraków (Poland) and the Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca (Kolozsvár, Romania). He researched in Vienna (Austria), Göttingen (Germany), Wassenaar (Holland), Cambridge (UK), Edinburgh (UK) and at Notre Dame University (USA). His reseach interests include: conservatism and liberalism, the history of early modern political thought, classical Hungarian political thought, early modern and contemporary philosophy of art.

Rod Dreher is a writer of non-fiction books and is a senior editor at The American Conservative magazine. His writing focuses on the intersections among religion, culture, and politics. Dreher has been a columnist for the New York Post, the Dallas Morning News, and National Review, among other publications. His books include two New York Times bestsellers The Benedict Option (2017) and The Little Way of Ruthie Leming (2013), as well as volumes on topics as diverse as Dante Alighieri, and traditional conservatism in the modern world. He lives in his native south Louisiana with his wife and children and is an Orthodox Christian. His latest book, New York Times bestseller Live Not By Lies: A Manuel for Christian Dissidents was published in Hungarian during his stay


Date: 17 October (Monday), 2022 5.30 p.m.

Venue: Gallery, Lónyay-Hatvany Villa- 1. Csónak str., 1015 Budapest

Participation in the event is free, but registration is required, which can be done by email at events@danubeinstitute.hu or by clicking on the R.S.V.P. button:


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