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Politikatudós, a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetemen doktorált, az NKE EJKK Vallás és Társadalom Kutatóintézet tudományos munkatársa. Korábban a Bibó István Szakkollégium tagja és a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Politikatudományi Intézetének kutatási asszisztense. Kutatási területe a keresztény politikai gondolkodás, különösen a kereszténydemokrácia, Reinhold Niebuhr és keresztény realizmusa.
Darabos Ádám kutatónk "Az „első nagy realista” nyomdokaiban: Reinhold Niebuhr Szent Ágoston-képe" című szaktanulmánya megjelent a Politikatudományi Szemlében.
Darabos Ádám kutatónk "Szekuláris vallások és a kommunista vallás Reinhold Niebuhr gondolkodásában" című cikke megjelent a Politikatudomány Online szakfolyóiratban.
Darabos Ádám kutatónk „Mi vagy Európa és merre tartasz?” című eseményösszefoglaló blogbejegyzése megjelent az NKE Blogtér, Vallás és Társadalom blogján.
Darabos Ádám kutatónk "Max Weber és a populizmus" című cikke megjelent a "Populizmusváltozatok – A Bibó István Szakkollégium kutatócsoportjának tanulmányai" című kötetben. Mándi Tib...
The roots of Christian democracy stretch far, at least to the beginnings of the 19th century. In our former article entitled the Forgotten Origins of Christian Democracy, published in the Hungarian Co...
The roots of Christian democracy stretch far, at least to the beginning of the 19th century. In our former article entitled the Forgotten Origins of Christian Democracy, published in the Hungarian Con...
There is a broad consensus that the CDU has been “the Christian democratic
party” in the past seventy years. Several reasons are behind this convention which, in
general, we do not question. Yet...
Christian democracy, like other political ideologies, has a solid value orientation. Naturally, values tend to change in the light of the dominant norms of the current society. Still, there is a gener...
In contrast to most of the Western European countries, in the United
Kingdom there has never been a strong Christian democracy. This article, – after
justifying this statement, – ventures back t...
Abstract: The dilemma of whether a political party represents Christian democratic values in the public sphere ‘truly’ is exposed to day-to-day political debates. This article would like to contri...
Christian Democratic politics is commonly associated with the German Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and Christian Social Union (CSU) in Europe.
Although the federal elections are approaching, a to...
In the scientific literature, the examination of Christian democracy generally
belongs to the researcher interested in the history of politics; the Christian democratic
movement, the parties, or its...
Christian Democracy, just like other political ideologies, has a solid value orientation. Naturally, values tend to change in the light of the dominant norms of the current society. However, there is ...
There are several ongoing political debates about the status and nature of Christian democracy. One of the finest examples is related to Viktor Orbán’s concept of Christian democracy in Hungary.
We are often told that the world is more peaceful today than it ever was. The number of wars – especially that of “classic”, inter-state wars – is significantly lower than at any point in huma...
Christian realism is a crucial phenomenon of modern political thought. Although several authors can be termed as Christian realists (e.g. John C. Bennett or Robin Lovin), there is a consensus in the s...