John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan


Szerkesztő és rovatvezető, a washingtoni National Review Institute vezető munkatársa. Korábban a National Review szerkesztője, a London Times társszerkesztője, a Hudson Intézet főmunkatársa és Margaret Thatcher tanácsadója is volt.

2024. Július 1.

New opinion piece by John O'Sullivan, President of the Danube Institute, published in the Quadrant Magazine.

2022. Január 1.

John O'Sullivan, the President of the Danube Institute, wrote an article about the Hungarian revolution in 1956, which was published by the Hungarian Conservative.

2021. November 10.

Hannes H. Gissurarson a professor of politics answered this question at his second lecture, based on his recent article on The Guardian’s “Distorted Image of Thatcherism”.

2021. Október 14.

John O'Sullivan, the President of the Danube Institute and Tamás Orbán, Research Fellow at Danube Institute wrote an article about the AUKUS submarine deal, which was published by the National Revie...