2024. November 3. Christian and Antisemitic? — István Haller’s Christian Politics New opinion piece by Ádám Darabos, published in the Hungarian Conservative
2024. Október 22. Az én elnökjelöltem Donald Trump Rod Dreher Magyar Nemzetben megjelent véleménycikke
2024. Szeptember 24. Is There Really a Polish American Vote? New opinion piece by Michael O'Shea in the Hungarian Conservative
2024. Szeptember 18. Why are both sides of the climate warming argument wrong? Interview with Dr Calum Nicholson for the Common Sense Generation channel
2024. Szeptember 10. IMEC at One Year: India-Middle East Leads, Europe Needs to Recommit New opinion piece by Carlos Roa, published in the National Interest
2024. Augusztus 16. Poland Tests the Migration Boiling-Frog Syndrome New opinion piece by Michael O'shea, published in the European Conservative
2024. Augusztus 14. It’s Time to Reaffirm the American Trust with Trieste New opinion piece by Carlos Roa, published in the National Interest